Being a white man shouldn’t disqualify Richard Cohen. But his backward ideas should.

Richard Cohen, a columnist for the Washington Post, was dragged hard recently (and rightfully so), for writing an op-ed titled “Privilege is real. But being a white man shouldn’t disqualify me.” In the piece, Cohen personifies the well-known quote, “when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

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Style Retrospective: That Thong-Tha-Thong-Thong-Thong

The practical purpose of thong underwear, of course, is to avoid visible panty line or VPL that happens with fitted garments or shear fabrics. But once upon a time, in the not so distant past, the thong panty was celebrated and even flaunted.  Let’s look back at the rise and fall of the thong.

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Tweet Beat: Sorry, Tomi Lahren’s not sorry for being white

When you think about the consequences of racism in America, the first image your brain conjures up probably isn’t a white person jumping off a bridge, or in front of a train, because they’re shook up from watching “12 Years a Slave.”

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“Harvey’s Girls” and the Power of Casting Couch slut-shaming

As the Weinstein sexual harassment saga reverberates through Hollywood like an earthquake, taking down a series of notorious predators in its wake, people are eager to know which actresses refused Harvey Weinstein’s advances, and suffered the consequences, and which actresses didn’t.

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Tweet Beat: Cam Newton and “funny” female reporters

Last Wednesday at a press conference, Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton said “it’s funny to hear a female talk about routes” after he was asked by Jourdan Rodrigue, a female reporter for the Charlotte Observer, about routes run by wide receiver Devin Funchess.

Needless to say, woke Twitter responded.

Continue reading Tweet Beat: Cam Newton and “funny” female reporters